Monday, 31 August 2015


It has been a month.. I think.. with no depression at all. I still think negatively every now and then but there's no painful, traumatic thoughts or emotions that wreck me up and down.

Laptop failed again right after the last blog post, but I managed to got it back on within the next 24 hours. With the lack of RAM and pagefile, things are getting a bit slow, couldn't multitask to do several things at once, hell even Photoshop bugged out due to low memory, but in the end I managed to finish the WIP:

It was quite fun to do this one, worked on it for the last 2 days, skipped this... or last night to finish it up since it got me going really good. Now I'm pumped and I can't sleep Q_Q


k33pfightin said...

Awesome stuff

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